Chicagoland’s Top Solar Panel Installers
Sunset Solar offers Chicagoland residents the best quality solar panels at the lowest possible price. Our certified in-house team will customize and tailor your solar panel system to your needs while ensuring you’re getting the best value available.
Going solar in Chicagoland allows you to ditch your electric bill while leaving a smaller footprint on the planet. Instead of burning dirty fossil fuels for energy or relying on fragile and wasteful nuclear energy, you can power your home or business with the sun.
Contact us today and one of our knowledgeable solar experts will create a customized plan for your home.
Our 3-Step Solar Process

Solar Consultation
It starts with speaking with our solar panel system experts. We’ll provide accurate estimates and a custom-tailored solar plan to fit your needs.

Solar Installation
Sit back, relax, and leave all the paperwork, inspections, and permitting to us. We will streamline your custom solar panel installation from start to finish.

Solar Savings & Monitoring
Watch the savings come pouring in. Monitor your systems energy production with a monitoring app from your desktop or mobile phone.
Save Energy and the Environment with Solar Power
Our Solar Panel Installation Service Area
Sunset Solar is based in Oak Brook, IL and we install solar panel systems throughout the Chicagoland area. We pride ourselves on superior customer service and quality craftsmanship.
We provide customized solar panel solutions for your property. Discover why customers choose Sunset Solar for their solar panel needs.
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